Child sponsorship in Uganda

Djeca u Ugandi

Humanitarian association Blue Angel closely cooperates with association from Uganda – country positioned on Lake of Victoria, with river Nile running through and borders with Congo, Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania and Ruanda.

Besides arranging programs for volunteers in Uganda, is also a mediator when it comes to child sponsorship, setting sponsorships for children under custody of Clemency Uganda.

As mediator in arranging sponsorships, out association does not take any profit from it. Our only goal is to provide assistance for people willing to do good and to help children in having a better future. Fellowship, helping and cultural exchange are just couple of attributes describing out cooperation with Uganda.

helps orphans, children suffering HIV/AIDS, war victims, domestic violence victims, abandoned children and other children who need help. No matter the situation, children need food, clothes, education, home, health care .

Help this children and make their life better, as well as yours.
Full amount you donate will be spent to buy food, clothes, school accessories and other necessary things, based on needs of child you have chosen to sponsor. Additional donations (for birthday or holidays) are also more than welcomed, but optional.
Child sponsorship is active till child is under care of or till she/he turns 18.

After child finishes high school and whether he/she carries on with his/her education, you can continue donating money, sponsorship is optional then. Sometimes, sponsorships can be interrupted in positive sense - young person you were sponsoring doesn’t need financial aid anymore. That’s because he/she got a job and can manage on his/her own. In that case, you are offered to sponsor another child in need. One way or another, you can be sure you have helped one young person and made his/her life easier.
Furthermore, you will be informed on child’s behalf, twice a year. Child will send you a letter, photo or even a drawing.

When child gets older and learns English well enough to talk to you, you can even communicate over phone or Skype. Our volunteers can help you during conversation. What is more, you can visit the child and along with will organize and arrange your trip to Uganda.

Your payment can be delivered on a monthly or annual basis. Arrange standing order in your bank to make this transfer easier for yourself and our organizations. If for some reason, you won’t be able to be a sponsor, you will notify us on this naming the reasons, and we will accept your decision. Also, if you want to become a sponsor again, continue to cooperate if you again decide to be a sponsor.

There is a minimum of 30$ monthly payment for sponsoring a child. If you want, you can see photos of children on our website and choose the one you would like to sponsor. Money you donate will be spent to provide all things child needs. Whether you choose the child or you just donate money, you will be informed about the child you are sponsoring. Your donation will cover all things and services child needs: school equipment, school uniform, recreational accessories (ball, etc.), health care, clothes, shoes, food and everything they need to be happy.

So decide to sponsor one little angel and help him/her to become big angel, capable to take care for himself/herself and become independent. You will feel happiness and joy knowing you have helped someone to achieve his/her full potential.